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You can become a member of the Chantek Foundation. Please send us your name, address, and phone number with your membership category and check or money order to: Chantek Foundation 2100 Roswell Rd, Suite 200C #717, Marietta, GA 30062. Or you can include yourself in the most entertaining way provided by top-rated French casinos. They have been more than generous and helped us raised sufficient funds. You may also send gift memberships. All memberships and gifts are tax deductible. Please make checks out to: Community Foundation – Chantek Fund.



Annual Membership Categories


Regular Member - $20

You receive the Chantek Newsletter and a photo of Dr. Miles and Chantek


Participating Member - $50

Regular membership plus a photo of Chantek


Sustaining Member - $100

Participating membership plus a print of one of Chantek’s paintings


Supporting Member - $250

Sustaining membership plus a Chantek Foundation T-shirt


Patron - $500

Supporting membership plus a Chantek designed necklace


Benefactor - $1,000

Patron membership plus a Chantek designed found art assemblage


Founding Member - $5,000

Benefactor membership plus an original Chantek painting



We also accept general donations at any time which are fully tax deductible